Aujourd'hui, T.E.F. célèbre son 200ème article !
Merci à tous ceux qui nous suivent et aiment nos perles, on espère que ce petit blog durera encore longtemps ! Et pour fêter ça, quelques extraits du cours de littérature, le prof est toujours aussi prolifique en petites phrases très drôles. Enjoy !
- [writes on the blackboard] Roland Barthes. And I don't have to tell you this is not Barthès.
- Oh, that's a great sentence and I am going to read it because it's mine.
- [About Virignia Woolf] For Woolf, the context, the characters and the plot are less important than what people have in mind. Maybe the fact that she was hearing voices in Greek in her head had to do something with it. You are more interested by people’s minds when you have a world of your own up there.
- Anacoluthon = rupture in construction. Anacoluthon is often done when speaking, but is rather uncommon when writing (although some students do it pretty well).
- There is a difference between reality (what you can touch/taste/etc... )and what is real (something that is imposed). For example, you can't touch God, can you?
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